A MightBe Elegy (6 Parts)

Pojo 1975
3 min readDec 23, 2020


How wtf weird, this weirdass world

Of once again touch again

Random things, barely glanced surfaces

And subtle countertops, the odd park post

That holds doggie shit bags.

We did not want to touch it

For so long, that our fingers became accustomed

To only the uttermost familiar: whatever lurked,

Dustmite-gathering, in the bubblish confines

Of home, where no mightbelethal Virus

Could plant His predatory microbes,

And lay waste to formerly robust humans

With eager joy, plus a statistical advantage.

The Devil that incites such glee

is the Pandemic inside you and me:

adherence to what we can never see

becomes the daily norm and essential form.

Our dwindled domiciles: perpetual dorm,

leave at your own risk, to breathe

the impossible seethe, each stranger respiration

causing undue duress

and sheer, titanic stress.


these december days wake cold,

and grow constantly shorter.

I suggest:

none of us have any rest,

this whole wizened world

is so extensively out of order:

blistered refugee denied at most border,

suppression of witness from a vigilant reporter.

When, exactly, we gonna beheading towarder?


“wut yah wan?”

handcuffed by world-woe,

a drooping dread-thicket

that collapses upon shoulder plains.

“howz ‘bout a dollar?”

strait-jacketed by planet-pain,

a withered gray nest

that pokes across a scalpy mesa.

near-nocturne, on a bussy boulevard,

where the whirring wheeze of rushed hour

farts out carbon and shants all the birds away.

unsteady pedestrians amble aimlessly,

shadows emerge suddenly,

hoping for reluctant generosity

from the hapless handouts

of hollowing hearts.


affecting poetry is mostly

pearls of perspiration

plus underthought inspiration.

nimble neurons and sage synapses sweat nobly,

shedding out strength of feeling

plus the depth of an idea finessed,

blots of man-made moisture to blinker

my endless rhyme pages,

dabbles of drip that rorschach-dot

my latest chapbook.

perhaps, the mind just perspires in torrential attire,

while the hand and the pen try to dampen the fire,

the brain akin to a spongy, spherical sauna,

raising the temperature of composition-

and then begging for the polar plunge

that inscribes such an inky infinity, pledges

such a papered perpetuity, touches

such a textual timelessness.


war-words don’t arrive in big-heart emojis,

or come sprinkled in tweets of gentlest snowfall.

sparked syllables tend to bombard bigoted bluster

and bayonet beastly braggadocio.

staccatoed stanzas, brief bursts

of gunfire verse, tossed grenades

of reckless metaphor and audacious simile,

making enemy heads peek out from trenches,

as their flesh becomes periscope, and, still,

such shelling does not mean they will surrender.

words should always be wielded weapons,

there is no true poetry of non-violence

and it’s always okay to punch a nazi

-with both fists, and keyboards.


they told me that

it would all be here, all of it,

they even called it a retreat.

put yer feetup, and slink yer legslong,

eyes doomsday prepped

to be inspired

by the lie

of a 60 mile view.

this forgotten yurt, with its feeble patio, as vulnerable

in the blender churn of alpine wind

as a schooner in the good eye of a hurricane,

yet still,

the devil cannot find me work.

no mental perspiration results from this ocular inspiration,

yet another turboed breeze unmoors my deck chair,

shakes the generic red pen from a trembling palm,

while the hope of either rescue or composition

fades like the furthest star on the twilit horizon.

they told me it would all be here, they even

called it a retreat. and if writing real poetry

makes me a combatant, then this retreat

is akin to surrender, and my naked page

a white flag, and the possibility of a treaty

that would leave foreign troops

to neo-colonize my mind

dangles like the chocolate bars

they like to hand out first.



Pojo 1975

Rampant recorder of a riven world that always shoots a tractor beam of Hope.