just maybe

Pojo 1975
1 min readJan 8, 2021

home-vised, deeply-dwelt

within the fourwall confines

of whatever is lucky

to be called inside

or not

we can train a laser beam gaze

on every subtle surface left undusted,

every carpet fiber missvacuumed,

every wall splotch left to fester

like a benign tumor,

and those of us who self-reverentially

call ourselves poets

can train a laser beam gaze

on every cryptic quatrain,

every ambiguous haiku,

every head-scratching sonnet

and actually speak

to the pandemified masses

who have no time for books

and lack the energy for our verses


we can aim our Cloroxed pens

at the heart of their angst

use language as simple as new-blown wind

for once this century

and become something more

than a pantheon of puppets

pulling our own quivering strings.

to everyone stuck, hyper-local;

maybe poetry can become an escape

for everyone swaddled in anxiety;

maybe poetry can open minds and heal divides

-overcome the stagnancy of segregated beliefs.

maybe poetry can now be helpful.

maybe poetry can become meaningful

maybe poetry can now be relevant.

maybe poetry can offer something magical

to those who cannot find their words,

can break iron yokes of isolation,

convey fantasies of communal transcendence,

maybe poetry can better highlight

the universal personal,

the globally regional, maybe poetry

can suck out the marrow

of this entire quarantined world

and tell a much better story

of where we should be going

-from a to z, scripting panoramas

of distinctive possibility.



Pojo 1975

Rampant recorder of a riven world that always shoots a tractor beam of Hope.